Dear customers, having a perfect lighting is imperative to ensure your safety. Headlights in good condition are essential !
Come and enjoy our expertise in your garage GDLC Autos. Don’t hesitate to call us at 02 51 31 88 84 for more informations.
GDLC Autos🚗
With our partners: Rondeau Frères and Vacquier, Bosch Car Service distributors!
We are expecting you this weekend for our open doors!
For this occasion, many new and used vehicles will be exhibited.
We welcome you Friday and Saturday throughout the day. Feel free to visit us !
Voitures GDLC – Rue de la Colonne – 85170 Le Poiré-sur-Vie
That’s it, the renovations are complete.
We’re happy to welcome you in our new colors and always under the Bosch Car Services banner !
Come visit us Monday to Friday from 8am to 12:30am and from 14pm to 19pm; Saturday morning from 9am to 12am.
Laurence and Gael will now hold the keys of the GDLC Autos garage, previously “Garage de la Colonne”. “We wanted to keep the initials of the previous brand” says Gael. “We ensure continuity : the same hours, the same mechanics, with a little new painted style !“.
After twenty years spent in the car sector, Mercedes and Renault, Gaël was looking for a “case to resume, the opportunity has done the rest.” Laurence, who will be at the reception and administrative work, think “it’ll be easier to work with her husband than with a boss“, even if she’s “co-manager, so in charge of responsibilities,” answer Gael with humor.
Gaël wants to continue the repair service and maintenance for all the brands, but also want to develop the sale of vehicles at intermediate prices (from 10,000 to 12,000 €), without excluding the sale of new vehicles on request. A fleet of used cars will be available in a month.
No change for the workshop, the team of mechanics is the same, and the garage is still affiliated to the Bosch Car Service network, a guarantee of quality.
Laurence and Gaël BAUFRETON, recovered the “Garage de la Colonne” at the Poiré-sur-Vie, since January 2, 2019. The garage is now called GDLC Autos. He is affiliated with the Bosch Car Service network.
With 20 years of experience in the automotive industry, Gaël wants to develop sales of the new and used vehicles. His expertise will complement that of the two mechanics already working at the workshop.
Don’t hesitate to come !